5 Essential Dog Camping Accessories
If you’re like me, a camping trip isn’t one without your pup! Having a dog to swim, hike, and sleep with makes camping more enjoyable and gets you moving. That’s why if you camp, you want to keep your dog protected. Whether it’s harsh environments, anxiety, or exhaustion, here are 5 useful, almost essential, dog camping accessories to take on your next trip. No glamping here, this is all about protecting your best friend in the great outdoors.
Dog Boots and Booties
Protecting your furballs paws should be a priority on your camping trip. If you end up on a hike with rough rocks or intensely hot terrain, you can seriously hurt your best friend’s paws, and you’ll be forced to cut your trip early. A small investment in some dog booties can go a long way in keeping your pet happy and healthy for the duration of your trip.
Dog Life Jacket
Most pet owners believe that they can handle their dog in the event of an emergency. While usually true, it’s the unexpected times that this can come in handy. If you’re forced to cross a river with a strong current or just swimming out in the lake, this is a good safety measure. A dog life jacket keeps your dog safe in the event they become overworked or overpowered while swimming. Make sure to get a life preserver that comes with handles so you can grab for your pup should the need arise. There’s no reason to always have this on if your dog is a strong swimmer, but you should always have one handy.
Dog Anxiety Jacket
If you’ve ever moved with a pup, you know the anxiety that can come with an unfamiliar environment. In this moment of uncertainty, you need to keep your pet comfortable and calm, even when you’re not around. This can always include camping trips. An anxiety jacket for dogs puts a gentle pressure on your pup, almost like that of a hug. This helps to significantly reduce anxiety and excitement from new surroundings. I don’t feel there’s a need to keep it on all the time, but until your dog seems comfortable with your campsite, it’s definitely a good idea.
Dog Cooling Pad
Even on a mild, spring day, dogs can easily overheat. Constant play and exposure to sun leaves dogs warm and thirsty. Sometimes, a simple shady tree isn’t enough, especially if it’s warm out. These chill pads are not only a great way to keep your dog clean, but more importantly, cool. The naturally cooling pad significantly lowers your pup’s heat levels, keeping them comfortable both day and night. They’re also a great way to keep your dog comfortable rather than having to bring a dog bed into dirt-filled campsites.
Dog Tie Down Trolley
When a dog explores new ground, it’s easy for them to get startled and run off or after something. Whether it’s wildlife, strangers, or other pets, this anxiety of a new land can have your dog running where you don’t want them to. To help introduce them to the campground, use a tie down. I personally like the ones that have a trolley that you can strap between two trees, giving them even more running room outside the 50-foot length of cable. TIP: Instead of screwing into a tree, simply wrap the cross wire around the trees to help preserve your site for others.
Got more dog camping accessories you love? Sound off!
So, what do you think of our dog camping accessories? Share some of your own! We’d love to know what makes your camping trips more enjoyable for you and your best pal!